ZodiacCloud's Commissions!

(dm me on toyhouse!)

Terms Of Service:

Terms of Service is subject to change without notice!
last updated 5th October 2023
If you are commissioning/have commissioned me, you will be bound by these terms. buying a commission from me means that you agree with all of these terms, regardless of if you have read them fully or not.Breaking any of the following rules may lead you to have your name listed publicly to alert other artists and/or not being allowed to commission/interact with me ever again.GENERAL TERMS○ My artwork can only be used by me and the particular person it was drawn for (if the art was for someone else).○ My artwork can not be re-uploaded by anyone other than me and the commissioner (following the relevant points below)○ You are only buying a digital file. no mailing or printing is involved. (if I do a traditional art piece, you'd only receive a photograph.)○ Depending on what you order, it will either be posted to my gallery or uploaded to my sta.sh and linked in a comment/note. I will send you the unwatermarked file and any variations of the piece (e.g a transparent version or without a filter) if there are any.○ Please make sure to save the artwork somewhere safe, if my computer ever gets damaged and the file is lost - it's gone!○ I may decline your order if I feel uncomfortable doing it or feel that I cannot complete it to the best of my ability. I may not explain my reason why but please respect my choice if I do decline.○ If my DNI applies to you, you cannot order commissions from me or attempt to. you shouldn't be interacting with me/my content anyway.○ Naturally over time my style changes and depending on the character it can also change, so there might be slight differences between the examples and the commission you will receive. Nothing drastically different but please do keep that in mind, and don't get angry if it doesn't fit what you had in mind - try your best to communicate what you want when ordering!COPYRIGHT / USAGE POLICY○ As the artist I maintain all rights to the produced artwork, which include but are not limited to the right to distribute, reproduce, or use the image for self-promotion (such as using it as an example here, use in a portfolio of work or post to my social medias)○ I take credit as the owner/producer of the art. the commissioner and the owner of the character/s will be mentioned in the description of the posted artwork.please let me know if you do not want your commission posted anywhere.○ Apart from me, the artist, only the commissioner has permission to use the art they have commissioned. (if the character drawn is traded/sold/otherwise transferred to somebody else, the permission to use the art is transferred to the new owner.)○ Unless specified and discussed in the ordering stage, any produced artwork is for personal use ONLY.As a commissioner you may:○ Repost the art you bought on sites like toyhou.se, artfight or any other character storing site with proper and clear credit to my gallery or page (with non-profit purposes).○ Request I do not post the piece to specific sites etc. (I may still use it as a physical portfolio example but I will not post it online) - basically if you're sensitive to where its posted, I'll respect it!○ Print the art purely for personal use (non-profit) after asking permission. (and crediting where you can)○ Use it as decoration for your DeviantArt profile, discord avatar... as long as it's a personal account and you're not making any profit with it AND you give full credit somewhere on the page! (All you need to do is have it in your description/bio or equivalent, saying "pfp by ZodiacCloud on DeviantArt" or something similar!)You are NOT ALLOWED to:○ Reupload/repost the artwork without any credit, and/or posting it in a way that suggests its your art. (eg don't put it on your DeviantArt gallery or Instagram etc.)○ Change/modify/edit or otherwise alter my work/the artwork - please contact me to make the required edits for you (if you have commissioned the work).○ Reproduce/trace nor sell/profit from the copyrighted artwork.○ Claim the artwork as yours nor take credit for it/creating it.○ Remove my watermarks/signatures.○ Use my work as an NFT○ Use my work as your profile picture/banner/icon or similar unless you have commissioned the work and are crediting it.○ Use the art for commercial purposes unless it has been discussed prior to/while ordering! (this includes YouTube thumbnails, advertising posts or otherwise promotional things, on items for sale like bags, shirts etc.)○ Put it on items/print it (excluding on printer paper to put on your wall), without letting me know beforehand/asking permission.○ Make profit off something bought for personal use.○ Have the artwork tattooed.○ Otherwise use my work without permission. (some examples of use include but are not limited to : to roleplay, as a base, to copy/reference/take from - including outfit designs, in AI technology/image mergers
(such as (but not limited to) midjourney, dalle2, mimic etc.), as a wallpaper (phones, desktop etc.), putting it into other works such as documents, collages/collections/moodboards, games, as clip art.. )
PLACES/LINKS TO CREDIT ME WITH (All my accounts have the same name!):Toyhouse : ZodiacCloud (if you are crediting me on Toyhouse, please credit me on-site.)Artfight : ZodiacCloud (this is only if you are posting my work to your character's Artfight profile, otherwise Toyhouse is much preferred.)---------Regarding custom character designs and adopts,
the rights of me as the creator of the design and as the artist of the original piece of art are the same as my rights to art I produce.
nobody but me can take credit for the design and you (the characters owner) must credit me as the designer. designs can only be resold for equal worth (eg, you bought them for $5 you must sell them for $5 or less, only increasing worth if there is additional art you've purchased).people who have adopted the design can edit whatever they wish (of the design, not the artwork I have produced.) and use them for non-commercial means (no profit and only personal use) this means the design cannot be made into a closed species, used for a game/pay to view comics or merchandise without my explicit consent/permission. if you plan on using a design for a commercial purpose, you must discuss this with me before hand.---------PAYMENT○ Payments are made via Paypal Invoices or Ko-fi.○ I require full payment upfront before any work is started. If available, you can pay more for me to add stuff afterward (not additional characters, I mean simple backgrounds or perhaps a small pet)○ please be patient and wait for me to tell you when to send the payment/to send through an invoice etc.○ Payment must be received 7 days after I approve your order and give you the price to send - I may cancel the order if payment isn't received.
if I don't get a response to a question for a over a week, I may cancel the order. I will notify you of this!
○ No refunds unless I haven't started yet or cannot complete the commission. No refunds once the art is completed.○ You will not receive your commissioned work until full payment has been received.○ Please say the word 'Anchor' in your order to confirm you've read this.○ small edits can be made free of charge, if they are for traits mentioned in provided reference(s) that I missed/depicted incorrectly. but I may decline if they're too large and/or clearly preferences that weren't stated. PLEASE request all changes you want made at the same time so all necessary edits can be made at the same time. I will not humour constant back and forth edits for multiple things. Some changes may require additional payment.○ you must have the payment ready prior to ordering. I can wait a couple of days for you to gather the payment in some cases but the majority of the time payment needs to be ready beforehand.○ if you are unsure, you can always ask how much something will cost/for a quote before saying you're definitely ordering.PRICES AND EXTRA COSTSAll stated commissions prices are BASE PRICE, which means it can be increased if:○ You want a detailed background (simple things like a pattern won't add much/may be free)○ You want to add extra characters○ You want larger props included (such as a weapon or plants, small things like phones or pencils are free)○ Your character is very detailed and/or complex○ you are paying for any extras (shading, subtle animation etc.!)○ if you want an smaller/simpler additional character (like a simple pet rabbit rather than a whole extra humanoid) I'll price accordingly rather than charging it as I would for an additional humanoid character.○ if you want an additional character of a different scale I'll add that on like usual - eg fullbody and headshot in same canvas is just (fullbody price) + (headshot price)○ You will receive the exact price of your commission before I ask you to pay. You can always change your order or cancel it at this point.IMPORTANT NOTEkeep in mind, I do have a physical disability that may interfere with my ability to work. However, I do tend to have a fast turnaround time for my commissions so don't let this defer you.

Additional Info

my style can vary a lot, let me know which examples are closest to what you have in mind!!!○ For non-mspaint pieces, let me know if you want block blush (solid colour blushing, looks more cartoony) or blend blush (soft, gradient blushing, more natural looking)! I can show finished piece examples of each to you if you wish! <3 but for quick reference here's a lil doodle of each aha (if preference is not stated, I'll just do whatever feels right for the piece!) :

About References!○ You must provide a clear visual (highly preferably flat coloured or at least only cell-shaded) reference image.I don't accept descriptions, traditionally drawn, hard to colour pick from or non-coloured images (if you want colours) as references.
only exception to this rule is for neon sketch commissions - if are okay with me totally improvising.
References must at least show the section of the character that I am drawing (e.g a headshot ref is okay if I'm only drawing a headshot but if I'm doing a fullbody i'll need a fullbody ref)!

Some stuff to tell me (optional but preferred!):Tell me something about the character's personality so I can choose a fitting pose/expression if a specific thing isn't requested. (it's fine not to, but if you are concerned about the piece being out of character it's best to specify! ^^)○ I will try my best to translate your character into my style, but if anything is really important to include in a specific way please let me know! - this point is more for very stylized characters or for characters who's original ref are a very different style to min, that may be harder to translate! (keep in mind, if a character has 'artist/design notes' I will read those!! ^^)

○ I ENJOY WORKING WITH BRIGHT COLOURS, so keep in mind that I may play around with filters so colours may differ slightly from provided references!!
base/values will be kept the same still! i keep em' recognisable dw! (I wont change red for blue or anything that drastic! more like, grey to a slightly warmer tone.) DO LET ME KNOW IF YOU DON'T WANT ANY FILTERS!! I often provide a filter-less option if I can, but it's useful knowing from the start!
if you want something but aren't sure what category it would be under feel free to ask and I'll price it for ya!! I have the 'backgrounds / more illustrative pieces' page with more info on this! ^^ (also, if you've seen something in my DeviantArt gallery that you'd want to order which isn't listed here lmk and I'll give you a price for that too if I feel I can do it for you!~)I'm willing to draw the majority of characters (except those mentioned on my 'won't draw' ofc) so don't be shy on asking for something you haven't seen me do before! (I'll send sketches and wips to check it's okay with you <3)FOR CHARACTERS THAT AREN'T A PROPER FULLBODY (like a worm on a string or a literal triangle with stick legs and arms) I can assess prices for them individually!! My standard prices are regarding regular humanoid/feral animal proportions rather than if it is technically the character's full body! Because it is much quicker and easier to draw a simple character, it should cost less!Thanks for reading! if you have any questions, feel free to ask (my contacts are linked in the contact page on the home)!! ^^

What I will draw:

○ humanoids/kemonomimi
○ anthro/furry
○ humanoids with animal lower halves, mermaid tails, hooved/faun/satyr, paws etc.
○ most closed species (you can search my DeviantArt gallery to see if I've drawn one before)
○ mild sexual themes (pinups etc. just ask)
○ couple art of any gender pairing etc. (sorry, but no canon x oc)
○ fandom ocs (may turn down for some fandoms!!)
most bodytypes, just ask if you need more examples <3

What I can attempt to draw/may draw:

○ elderly, children or babies
○ feral (in 'attempt' because I'm a lil rusty!!)
○ more extreme bodytypes (I can draw chubby, heavier, lean/worked out or lanky pretty well - ask for examples if needed! If I feel it's fetish-y or is 'hyper' I will turn down)
○ mech type stuff (must be on simpler side/more rounded)
○ very complex characters (will charge more for, or turn down if too much/feel I can't draw them)
○ characters/creatures that don't quite fit the standard categories of humanoid/anthro/feral/mech etc.
○ anthro lizards/birds/dinosaurs/fish etc. (otherwise 'unconventional' anthro characters)
○ scenic backgrounds
○ perspective (if you want an extreme perspective pose I'll probably need a reference to get it right!)
○ real people portraits (must be you/family member/partner w their consent to be drawn)
○ characters from shows/fandoms (very dependant on request)
ask me!!

What I won't draw:

○ gore (I won't do anything more than a nose bleed/scuff/scrape/bruise)
○ explicit nsfw or fetish art
○ uncensored and fully nude characters (I'll do top half nudity, sexually for male presenting characters, only non-sexual for female presenting)
○ anything for you if you apply to my https://zodiaccloud-dni.carrd.co/ (you can enquire about this maybe??)
○ Orkii closed species
○ complex mechs, or very detailed/heavy armour
○ very angle dependant backgrounds/highly complex non-nature backgrounds, can attempt but would be pricey
○ youtubers/celebs/real people that aren't consenting to being drawn
○ hate, political or controversial art
○ any illegal stuff (sexualised minors etc.)
○ characters with themes of eye trauma/gore, hospitals (some exceptions but I'd prefer not) and/or cannibalism.
○ anything i am uncomfortable with.
○ the 'Do not mention' list here might be handy https://zodiaccloud-dni.carrd.co/#byf

HOW TO ORDER / WORK PROCESSMore expanded explaination:For Commissions (ych's differ depending on what the description says!):○ You'll message/email/dm me your order by filling out the form for your desired type of commission (found on bottoms of pages of each category in 'prices + examples')○ You'll include the secret word somewhere in your order, don't have to be sneaky but it just lets me know that you have read my ToS! <3○ In the case that I decline the order, I'll state if it's something that can be changed or adapted - if I don't specify a reason, please accept this and move on.○ If I accept, I will give you a price and might request more details on the order and/or ask question.○ You can change or cancel the order if the price is too much (or ask for it to be put on hold for you to gather payment). There always a way out, I wont be angry! ^^○ If you are okay with the price and wish to continue, I will send a paypal invoice for you to pay (or alternatively, make a ko-fi listing for you to pay through). When I receive full payment, I will start the commission.○ I may send a sketch first, depending on what you ordered. but usually I don't and I do it all in one go! you can ask for a sketch if you want though, it just might take a lil longer turn-around time wise! If we go the sketch route, you can always be picky, let me know if there's any issues.○ Once it has been posted/sent to you, the process is done. But you can let me know if there's anything that I need to change! (more on this in 'payment' point 7!)○ The commission can take anywhere between a day to a couple months, depending on surrounding situations (such as work, family, health, time etc.). If I take a long time, feel free to politely notify me just in case I forgot!
keep in mind, I do have a physical disability that may interfere with my ability to work and therefore slow down the process.
○ You may receive wips. Often I only send wips if I'm unsure about something and wish to check it's okay/correct with you. I will always contact you to solve my doubts, because I want to give you the best I can!○ For a complex/larger piece, I may ask for a contact (usually discord, if I think notes will be too slow.) just so I can keep you updated, ask questions and check if you want any changes made along the way.○ Previously I would upload the work with a site watermark (the standard DeviantArt one) and send you the unwatermarked file - now since I don't use DeviantArt anymore, I just send you the file straight away (via toyhouse/discord dm, depending on which you contacted me on, usually!)I would prefer that you do not share the unwatermarked piece!
if you put my work onto Toyhouse I would prefer you either watermark it on-site (on-site standard one or your own custom one are both fine) or upload the already watermarked piece. the watermark is there to protect the art from theft.
if you have not put the word in your order, I will ask you to read this.

How to Order:Check I'm open (it states if I am on the home page here!!)send a message to me on Ko-fi, DM me on discord (ZodiacCloud), dm me on toyhouse (ZodiacCloud) or email me at [email protected]
with the relevant form (found on the bottom of the page for the type of commission you want) filled out to request/order a commission :))
If I accept, I'll give you a price and send an invoice over for you to pay.I start the work when I get payment, then when I am done I send the finished piece to you (usually via whatever site you contacted me on to order).If you're sending an order via email or similar (note, toyhouse dm), make sure to title the subject something like 'commission' or 'commission order' ! so I notice it!!
Thank you!!

Please Read These Before Ordering!:

By ordering a commission you automatically agree to my Terms Of Service!PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ THE TOS BEFORE ORDERING!
(if you skim the rest of the info it's fine, but the tos is the most important!)

Optional reads:

To Order:

Check if I'm Open for comms - I'll be putting my status both on the front page of this Carrd, on my toyhouse and twitter profile text :)

when I do a toyhouse bulletin/forum post saying commissions are open, I usually say to fill out the form in the post and comment with your order there :) I'll just reply saying to send the payment if I approve/will do your order <3Otherwise, dm me your order/any questions on Toyhouse,
email it to me ([email protected]),
dm me on Twitter (@ZodiacCloudArt)
or dm me on Discord (ZodiacCloud)
If you're sending an order via email or similar (note, toyhouse dm), make sure to title the subject something like 'commission' or 'commission order' ! so I notice it!! Thank you!!


★ Megan, Cloudy, Zodi (any variation of my username ok!)★ She/They/Yip★ 21★ White British★ Disabled + GAD (anxiety) & other mental health conditions :'D★ currently a uni student <3

I'm a variety artist but mostly stick to digital character art as of now! I do a lot of my art for fun - I especially enjoy working with bright colours as you can probably see <3Most active Toyhouse (although I use Toyhouse as character storage rather than a social media, but I do host my commissions there) and some art discords!

this is my old journal just to keep track of it: https://www.deviantart.com/zodiaccloud/journal/COMMISSION-MASTER-POST-759060536
Check the status here for if I'm open or not!